Man-Made Crises

Support Baitulmaal’s emergency relief fund so we can quickly and effectively respond to man-made crises around the world

Respond / Man-Made Crises

Baitulmaal responds to man-made crises with emergency relief in the form of food, water, shelter, and clothing as well as medicine and medical supplies.

Currently, Baitulmaal donors are responding to the following man-made crises:


Crisis Response

  • $1,565,500 in emergency humanitarian aid for current programs
  • 1,109,640 meals provided
  • $16,500 for stoves and fuel 
  • 300,000 tablets of life-saving antibiotics
  • 15,000 medical test kits
  • 16,400 recipients of winter clothing and blankets
  • $3,000 for emergency shelters
  • 200 hygiene kits

News & Updates

Respond / Crisis 

We’re sorry we missed your call, but…

We’re sorry we missed your call, but…

Assalaamu alaikum, We recently moved to a larger office space to accommodate Baitulmaal’s phenomenal growth. Last year we provided 104% more humanitarian aid than we did in the previous year. That is truly amazing and we thank Allah (swt) and our donors for enabling...