Baitulmaal Ramadan Campaign 2024

for Hope

Answering the Call for
Compassion this Ramadan

Baitulmaal is committed to making a real difference, and sharing your blessings allows us to provide essential aid and create positive change this Ramadan.

Make a Difference this

Communities worldwide are full of individuals and families who are searching for hope amidst the cycle of poverty and suffering. From conflict zones to disaster-struck regions, Baitulmaal serves to answer their call for compassion.  

Your support can make a profound impact on these underserved populations around the world, providing life-saving, life-sustaining, and life-enriching humanitarian aid during this special time of blessings and giving.

Join Baitulmaal this Ramadan on a mission that embodies the compassion and generosity of this blessed month.

Don't Delay Your Ramadan Impact

Our Programs

Food Aid

We believe in the right to nutritious food for every person. Your donation ensures hunger relief to those in need worldwide, helping us provide essential sustenance to families facing food insecurity.


The devastating impact of war in Gaza has left Palestinians in dire circumstances. Your contribution aids in providing crucial resources, including food, medical care, and daily essentials, to those affected by conflict.

Fidya and Kaffara

Transform missed fasts into meaningful assistance for underserved populations. Your support enables us to turn the act of giving into a source of food aid for those facing hardship.

Water Aid

Clean water is essential for life. Your donation addresses this basic need, reducing the risk of water-related illnesses, enhancing the quality of life, and bringing hope to communities facing water scarcity.


Ramadan is the ideal time to fulfill your Zakat obligations. Your generous contributions during this sacred month support various programs, uplifting those in need and making a lasting impact on their lives.

Orphan Sponsorship

Sponsor an Orphan this Ramadan for $768 for the entire year. Your support helps ensure the nutritional, educational, psychological, health and social support an orphan needs to thrive.

Why Support Baitulmaal this Ramadan

Your generosity during this sacred time can bring joy, hope, and transformative change to those facing adversity.

  • Transparent Impact: Witness the direct impact of your donations through our transparent reporting system, ensuring that your generosity reaches those who need it most.
  • Global Reach: Baitulmaal operates worldwide, reaching underserved communities in different regions. Your support spans borders, making a global impact on lives.
  • Lifesaving Initiatives: Your contributions go beyond providing immediate relief; they empower communities and lay the foundation for sustained positive change.