Palestine Emergency Aid Kits Palestine Emergency Aid Package Quantity Price: Support a family with Medical Support, Food Package, Hot Meals, Baby Formula, and Hygiene Kit. Aid Pkg Quantity0123456789101520255075100Medical Support Quantity Price: Support emergency medical services for injured Palestinians. Med Spt Quantity0123456789101520255075100Food Package Quantity Price: 20 kilograms of foodFood Pkg Quantity0123456789101520255075100Hot Meals Quantity Price: Provide one family with one week of hot meals through Baitulmaal kitchensHot Meals Quantity0123456789101520255075100Baby Formula Quantity Price: Provide one can of baby formula for one child in needBaby Formula Quantity0123456789101520255075100Hygiene Kits Quantity Price: Provide a family with much-needed hygiene items. Hyg Kits Quantity0123456789101520255075100Water Truck Refills Quantity Price: Provide safe, clean drinking water for 40 families (approx. 320 beneficiaries) for one week.Water Truck RF Quantity0123456789101112131415202550100$300 per truck refill will be added on the next pageAdditional Donation Amount Shelter Kit Quantity Price: Support a family with a shelter unit that includes: Tent (4*6), Blankets (Two for Each Family), Mattresses (Three for Each Family), Mats (Two for Each Family), Food Parcel (One per Family), Hygiene Kit (One Per Family) Quantity0123456789101520255075100Total This form will take you to the main donation form with the total amount pre-filled as well as the items listed in the comments. HiddenSource HiddenMedium HiddenCampaign HiddenTerm HiddenContent HiddenPEAP HiddenSK HiddenMS HiddenFP HiddenHK HiddenNumber