
Support Baitulmaal’s life-sustaining poverty relief fund and provide necessities for needy families around the world 


Baitulmaal puts your compassion into action through life-sustaining humanitarian aid that provides much-needed relief for people suffering from poverty, hunger and lack of basic necessities. Life-sustaining aid provides such essentials as water, food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and orphan support.

Support Poverty Relief

Give generously today to support Baitulmaal’s poverty relief efforts that provide life-sustaining humanitarian aid to people suffering from poverty, hunger and lack of resources around the world. Your generous donation will provide food, water, shelter, clothing, medicine and other necessities to people in need.

News & Updates

Respond / Sustain / Thrive

We’re sorry we missed your call, but…

We’re sorry we missed your call, but…

Assalaamu alaikum, We recently moved to a larger office space to accommodate Baitulmaal’s phenomenal growth. Last year we provided 104% more humanitarian aid than we did in the previous year. That is truly amazing and we thank Allah (swt) and our donors for enabling...

400 Blankets for 100 Families in Yemen

400 Blankets for 100 Families in Yemen

IBB, YEMEN, February 12, 2020 —Baitulmaal, a Dallas-based international humanitarian relief agency, recently completed a winter blanket distribution in war-torn Yemen where internally displaced Yemenis are struggling with cold weather without adequate shelter. Yemenis...